Saturday, March 23, 2013

Italian Layer Bake

It's Spring! Okay, well it is technically Spring...I turned my clocks ahead, my tulips are starting to poke up through the dirt and it is currently 6pm and it is still light outside. Despite the fact that the calendar says it is spring, the snow outside is making it hard to believe. We finally were able to see the grass in the back yard about a week ago, and were almost able to turn our cars around in the driveway. But then another 4 inches fell and so continued our nightly ritual of going outside at 10:30 and pulling both cars out onto the road to switch positions for J to go to work. Since then, the temperatures, which a week ago were up in the 50's are topping out in the high 30's. The wood stove is still going daily, blankets are still being piled on while watching movies on the couch and it is still necessary to run out with my hair wrapped in a towel every morning to warm up the car and defrost the windshield. It was decided this past weekend, that we have a serious case of Cabin Fever. Neither J or I remember the urge to go outside being so bad last year. All we want it to go outside without 3 layers and gloves, be able to go for a walk without the snowbanks making it dangerous, and I personally can't wait to open some windows and revive my gardens. It seems that this may not happen for some time, so the need for hearty warm suppers continues.

J is having his movie marathon today, so my plan this past week, while preparing to cook for 7 hungry men was simple satisfying suppers! And I hit it out of the park with an Italian Layer Bake on Thursday! You know it is a winner when J asks if we have red wine to go with it. Both of us were rendered speechless after the first bite, reduced to simultaneous "mmmm's" and  " oh my God this is good's". Both of us went back for seconds, and if not totally stuffed, thirds would have been likely. So while Spring is taking it's sweet time to get here, we shall enjoy a few more cold weather suppers like this one!

Italian Layer Bake

1 package crescent rolls
8ish pieces of ham
8ish pieces of turkey
10ish pieces of hard salami
8 - 12 pieces of cheese ( I used white American because it is what I had at home)
Large jar of sweet roasted peppers
4 eggs and water whisked together

  • In a square pyrex dish, I think mine is half of the crescent rolls into the bottom of the pan
  • On top of the crescents, using half of your meats, layer ham, turkey, salami and cheese
 (the exact amount is up to you, but I simply covered the space with each meat then cheese.)
  • On top of the cheese arrange the red peppers
  • Pour half of the egg mixture over the red pepper layer
  • Repeat layering of ham, turkey, salami, cheese and peppers
  • Top the bake with the rest of the crescent rolls
  • Pour remaining egg wash over crescent roll top

Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 20 minutes
Remove foil and bake for an additional 20-25 minutes
Let stand for 10 minutes before digging in!

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