Friday, February 1, 2013

Baked Eggrolls

I guess I am at that age where everyone I know is getting married and announcing pregnancies. Sometimes it is hard to grasp the fact that I am an actual....grownup, when did that happen? So being a 20-something means bridal showers, baby showers, weddings and way to many events where I have to wear a dress...cringe. I am a yoga pants (jeans if I leave the house) and a t-shirt kind of girl.I hate getting dressed for work because that means work clothes.  And no matter how hard I try, my hair will just never look like those Pantene commercials. I might straighten it, but I can bet on the fact that by the time I get to where I am going, one side will be flipping one way, and the other side, the opposite way.

So, with wedding season approaching and dress shopping an inevitability, I am keeping a close eye on the scale, which I force myself to get on every time I am at the gym. I am determined to see some sort of downward movement on that stupid scale in the next 3 months. Since I can't magically make the winter insulation disappear, that means finding some healthier meal options. I am trying to do this while keeping the comfort part of winter comfort foods. I just can't do salads daily when it is 12 degrees out, sorry! 

Now I love Chinese food. I love it right when I get it home, I love it as a midnight snack, I love it cold the next day when I nibble it right out of the container while standing in my kitchen pondering dinner options.... But when one is trying to fit into the next size down in 3 months, take out is not an option. But I was able to trick myself into believing I was eating Chinese with these baked egg rolls! Not only were they really easy, but you can play with the ingredients and really not mess up. So here is what I used.

  • Eggroll wrappers found in the produce section of my Local Big Y.
  • 1 bag shredded coleslaw mix.
  • soy sauce
  • a dash of ginger
  • tiny shrimp, chicken or pork.

That's it folks!

Warm the shredded mix in the microwave and drain any extra liquid
Add your meat of choice and soy sauce to your tastebuds liking.
Spoon the mixture into the center of each eggroll wrapper.
Wet the edges of the wrapper with water and fold two opposite corners to the center, then roll from one remaining corner to the other.

Drizzle with olive oil In a 375 oven bake for 10-14 minutes, flip and bake for an additional 10-14 minutes. and you get something like this...

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