Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Shrimp and Bread Dipping Sauce

Spring seems to have finally made an appearance! The past week has given us a good bit of warmer weather, a sunburn, blisters on both hands and a massive cold. That's right, I made it all winter without much more than a sniffle and when the thermometer his 60 a few days ago I spiraled down into the deep dark pit, where I have found congestion, sinus pain, a fever and exhaustion. 3 days later and I have only gotten rid of the fever, but seem to have replaced it with a horrible cough...the likes of which I will not get into when I about to share dinner with you. Despite my misery I felt better being outside moving and grooving. J and I have big plans for the yard this year! To start, I have been raking like a crazy person, pulling muscles I didn't know I had and uncovering all sorts of fun new aspects of our front yard. Who knew we had so many stone walls and covered up bulbs! 

A good 4 days of raking and there is still so much more to go! But that will have to wait until my matching blisters on both hands heal up. Not to mention I didn't even think to apply sunscreen and scorched my poor exposed skin,  the lilac bush attacked me, so now my sunburned arms also look like a cat attacked them with sharp claws AND I ripped my favorite comfy jeans while reconstructing my herb garden. I came in last night looking like I had just emerged from a war zone and J reheated some left over lettuce wrap mix, which we shared out of 1 bowl on the couch. Don't worry, I had already shared my germs with him..oops! What's mine is yours right?

Today hit 70 degrees and I got a little bit more raking done before I collapsed into a beach chair with a book and roll of TP ( we had no tissues). I even managed to make dinner...Pioneer Woman Shrimp! Not my own recipe, but a good one regardless. Shrimp is often buy one get one free at Big Y, so I used one bag and held onto the second in my freezer.

In my mini food processor, I combined
1 stick cold butter ( broken into smaller pieces)
1/8 cup parsley ( from last years garden)
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp salt
2 cloves garlic
juice from 1/2 of a lemon

This crumbled concoction was sprinkled over my frozen shrimp on a cookie sheet and baked at 375 for 15-20 minutes or until J could wait no longer.

This shrimp was very tasty, but I must say the best part is the dipping sauce that is left in the pan with a nice big chunk of warm bread!

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